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79th UNGA session: Politicians, analysts all praise, PM's address
September 27, 2024

Rana Muhammad Qasim Noon (Chairman Kashmir Committee): Prime Minister in his main speech at 79th session of UNGA has very effectively advocated the Kashmir cause warned India of strong response in case of any aggression towards Pakistan. India is utilizing all sort of tactics to suppress the voice of Kashmiris but failed at achieve its targets.  After the abrogation of special status of Kashmir on 5 August 2019, India is using different tactics to change the demography of Kashmir. It is the responsibility of int’l community to take notice of Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir and implement UN resolutions by giving right of plebiscite. We also denounce the so-called elections being held in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir because such measures can never pacify the oppressed Kashmiris who were stripped of their special status and rights by India’s “constitutional terrorism” on August 5, 2019. Pakistan has always morally, politically and diplomatically supported the Kashmir cause and highlighted this issue on all int’l forums.

Brig (Rtd) Masud Ahmad Khan (Defence/IR Expert): Prime Minister in his main speech at 79th session of UNGA has very effectively highlighted the issues that are confronting and challenging the global peace and security. It was a very comprehensive speech encompassing all major international and regional issues. He demanded an immediate end to the bloodshed of Palestinian people and urged the international community to act and stand by the Palestinian people, facing the brutalities of Israel. He asked world community to work for durable peace through two-state solution of this long standing issue with sovereign state of Palestine based on the 1967 borders with Al-Quds Al Sharif as its eternal capital. He questioned the role of UNO and its failure in implementing its own resolutions has emboldened Israel. He said it threatens to drag the entire Middle East into a war, whose consequences could be grave and beyond imagination. Prime Minister also highlighted the Kashmir issue especially the Indian atrocities in IIOJ&K and abrogation of special status of Kashmir. The Indian government is establishing a demographic imbalance in occupied territory in violation of int’l laws. He expressed his resolve that Pakistan will respond most decisively to any Indian aggression. He also drew the attention of World community towards Pakistan’ sacrifices in war against terrorism and loss of billions of dollars in this regard. He mentioned that Pakistan is confronted with a new wave of externally financed and sponsored terrorism especially by the TTP, The BLA, The Majeed Brigade, Fitna al-Khawarij and its associates.

Ali Raza Syed (Chairman of the Kashmir Council Europe):  We are very grateful to Prime Minister of Pakistan for highlighting Kashmir issue at UNGA session in New York today. Pakistan has always supported Kashmir issue on all international forums. It is high time that international community should realize the sensitivity of this long standing issue. The only solution to this grave issue is the right of self-determination as per UN resolutions. On the other hand, India wants to suppress the voice of Kashmiris by force but not succeeded in his designs. India is holding sham elections in IIOJ&K to show normalcy in occupied valley but not getting the desired results as people are voting against the policies of BJP. It is now the responsibility of int’l community to hold India accountable for its grave human rights violations in IIOJ&K.